All Saints Church, Little Shelford graveyard inscriptions
All Saints Church Little Shelford Gravestone memorial inscriptions
Alan Bullwinkle and Colin Norman
A note of visible and readable information, inscribed on Memorial Inscriptions (Mis), in the Church Yard and inside the Church during the second half of the year 2002.
This record was prepared from information observed 'on site', and by reference to two site plans. One is held at the Church; the second was drawn in 2002, for Cambridge Family History Society purposes. The Mis in the Churchyard are listed in the sequence of the CFHS site plan numbers, beginning from a point just East of the Vestry then in a generally clockwise route round the Churchyard The Church Site Plan Reference numbers appear in italics after CFHS plan reference numbers.
Some information, shown in italics, taken from the Church site plan was not visible in the graveyard. Italics therefore will indicate where memorials may not have been erected or, as is the often case of kerb-stones, have become overgrown and obscured.
Reference numbering needs to be reconciled with the actual position of graves and the visible Mis. The plans, drawn separately, are approximate and have been matched so far as possible for this record. Grave locations indicated are approximate.
The Cambridgeshire Family History Society Site Plan is at the end of this booklet We acknowledge with thanks the permission and co-operation of the Rector Christopher Ash, the Churchwardens of All Saints Church, and all who supplied local information.
Closer examination of the memorials and inscriptions may reveal more information.
The record is held on computer disc and can be amended, or extended, as needed when more is available or may become apparent. There may be unintentional errors in the record of what we could see during the fine weather of the 'Season' before rain stopped play. We can only plead our human failings.
Alan Bullwinkle and Colin Norman December 2002.
ABBREVIATIONS are conventional as used by the CFH
A Headstone
A/E Headstone and Cross A/G Headstone and Kerbs B Altar Tomb
C Coped Stone
D Chest Tomb (paneled sides E Stone Cross
E/C Celtic Cross
EW Wooden Cross
F Cruciform Coped Stone G Kerb Stone
FS Fool Stone
FH Flower Holder
GS Ground Slab
1/E Iron Cross
OB Open Book
b ■ bom
d = died
( ) doubt about a name or a date.
IAMO In Affectionate Memory Of
IRO In Rememberance Of
ILRO In Loving Rememberance Of
IARO In Affectionate Rememberance Of STTMO Sacred To The Memory Of
HLTBO Here Lies The Body Of
CMO Cherished Memories Of
TMO Treasured Memories Of
IMO In Memory Of
TTMO To The Memory Of
TTDMOTo The Dear Memory Of
IELMO In Ever Loving Memory Of
ILMO In Loving Memory Of
[... ] additional observation on occasion of recording
/ end of line on an Ml
Starting from East of the Vestry
1 XI20 A TTMO Henry (Henrietta) [remainder
2 WP STTMO Thomas MITCHELL/ who fell
asleep in Jesus/ June 19) 1857 Aged 46/Also of his Sister/ Ann WILLINGS/ died Sept
27 1840 Aged 31/ "The memory of the just is blessed/ None but Jesus can do helpless sinners good"
3 XI19 A STTMO/John KING/died Febl 1826/
Aged 54/ "Let this vain world engage no more/ behold the gaping tomb/ It bids us
seize the present hour/ Tomorrow Death may come" Also Jane his wife/ died April 12 [18...] Aged 76/Also their two infant children
4 XI2 J A ILMO Sarah BODGER/died May 18
1884/ Aged 72/ Also Alfred Richard/ the beloved husband of the above/ died May 22 1890/Aged 76
5 X122 A In Loving/ and most affectionate/
remembrance of/ John RICHES/ died May 18 1884/ aged 77
6 XI23 A In Ever Loving/ memory of/ John
RICHES/ of Little Shelford/ bom Aug 8 1841/ died Oct 2 1897/ Let this vain world engage no more/ behold the gaping tomb/ It bids us seize the present hour/ Tomorrow Death may come/ Also Elizabeth/ Beloved wife of the above/ died A ug 8 1906/ Aged
68 "On that happy Easter moning/ All the Graves their dead restore/ Father Sister child and Mother/ meet once more"
7 XI24 A IMO/ Mary WOOD (Woodley) died June
18 (1882) Aged 72
XI25 Eh: BRAN7[Part ofXI261]
8 XI26 A ILMO/James BRAND/died June 12
1893/ Aged 76/ Also Susan his wife/ died Dec 25 1896/ Aged 76/ Blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord/ from henceforth/ yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours
9 XI27 A ILMO/ Mary Ann BRAND/ died Nov 17
1893/Aged 83
10 XI42 [Base of missing cross] IMO/ Pisicilla Susan STALLON/ died
14 Aug 1885 Aged 90
1 1 Wr IMO/ Gilbet WIGMORE/ Doct in
Divinity/ who died Aug 16^11683/ Aged 72 years
12 XI29 A Dear Ann GEE/ for many years the
faithfull/ friend and nurse to the family/ of the late Colonel WALE/ died April 18 1907
1 3 XI29 A lLRO/MaryHUTCHINSON/died4
May 1881/Aged 70
14 XI30 A STTMO/ Charles GEE/ bom Jan 18
1883/ died May 8 1900/ Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus/ Christ into eternal life
15 XI3I
Nov3 1877/Age 58
16 XI32
Weep not my children/ deare
1 7
A ILMO/Mary Ann/Wife orCharles GEE/died
A Died July? Jan 4 1714 Aged (43/48?)
A [Double headstone Left side] John HOWARD/
died 1819/ Age 61 [Right side] Constance HOWARD/ died 1823/5/ Age 89
FSJH1819CH 1823/25
18 XI33 A / Rich. Gales HOWARD/(third) son of
(Henry) and HOWARD/ died March 23 1810/ Aged 28
19 XI37 A STTMO/ Ann the daughter of/ Eliz. & Henry
HOWARD/ died Feb 28 1813 Aged (15)
20 X141 A STTMO/ Elizabeth the wife of/ Henry
HOWARD/ died Oct 10 1809/ Aged (44 or 77)
21 XI36 A TTMO/Peter ASHTON Tradesman/
died... 1802/Age 41
22 A HLTBO Ann the/(wife) of John HOWARD/
(died 1713)
23 A HLT/ BO John son/ ( ) (HOWARD)/
departed this life/( )
24 A HLT/BO [Illegible]
25 A [Illegible] of/ John & Ann HOWARD/ died
March 27 (1732)/Aged (15)
26 A TTMO/ Elizabeth the wife of/ Warren ADAMS/
died Aug (28) 1784/ Aged (27)
27 XI32 E ILMO/Emily Jane/wife of. Charles CLAY/or
Cambridge/ bom Nov 1 1832 died Oct 2 1897/Also of/ Charles John CLAY/ bom July2I827/diedJanl61905
28 XI37 A HLTBO/Ann HOWARD the wife of Henry
HOWARD/ who departed this life/ Hopeful of a joyfull/ (resurrection)... June
17... Aged 50
29 XI38 A HLTBO/Eliz & Ann (daughters) of/Henry &
Ann HOWARD/ [rest illegible]
30 X140 A IMO/ Henry HOWARD/ Tailor of St Andrews
Cambridge/died April 12 1801 Aged (59)
31 [By porch - an erroneous entry?]
32 GS TTMO/ Solomon HORTON/ who died Feb 12
1791?/aged ?yrs
33 X143 A IMO/George GILLINGHAM/1835 -1904/
Katharine his wife/ 1855 - 1916/Their sons Edward James 1876- 1962/George
1879- 1915/ R.I.P.
34 XJ44 A [Skull]
35 XI45 A STTMO/Elizabeth BROOKS/died Aug 3 1862/
Aged 67/ "In the midst of Life we are in Death"
XI46 [Churchyard Cross]
36 XI53 A STTMO/Edward Knightly AUSTIN/youngest
son of the late/ Thos & Ann Ward/ Austin/ died Jan 31 18 88/ Aged 71
37 XI52 A HLTBO/Susan the wife of/Thomas AUSTIN/
died March 28 1800
38 XI5I A TTMO/Thomas AUSTIN/died Nov 19(1813)/
in the 80yh year of his age/Also of (Ann) Illegible
39 XI50 A IMO/ Peter AUSTIN/ son of Thos & Ann Ward
AUSTIN/ died Nov 28 1874/ Aged 63
40 XI50 A IMO/Hariet AUSTIN/daughter of/Thos &
Ann Ward AUSTIN/ died Nov 28 1874/ Aged 63
41 XI47 A IMO/(Susan) AUSTIN/remainder illegible
42 X148 A [Double] [Illegible]
43 XI58 A [Illegible]
44 X1S9 A [Illegible]
45 X156 A [Illegible]
46 XI59 EG+rai!ings IMO/Athur William SMITH/of Kings
Parade Cambridge/ and of/ Westfield in this Parish/ bom July 25 1842 died May 15 1901
47 XI54 G ILMO Judith M ELBOURNE died March 19
1924 Aged 84/ Robert BRAZIER died March 27 1927 Aged 92/ Getrude Alice Mary
BRAZIER died Jan 30 1979/ Aged 83/ "Loved and Remembered"/ Charles
ELBOURNE died April 3 1908 Aged 77
XI55 GS ILMO/ Ronald Sidney/ ALLEN/ died 22 Jan
On Right hand side of the path from the Church porch towards the gate.
48 A6 A [Weathered] IM/O/William JENNINGS/who
died Sep 11 1801? (or 1804) aged 19? (or 10) years {also Emma?)
49 A In memory [Weathered and largely sunken]
50 A3 A IL/MO/James William/Walker/died 39"'June
1992/ aged 72/ and his wife Aileen Mary Jean who died 22nd November 2002
51 A2 A ILM/O/Patrick James/LONG/died 1.5.1988/
aged 86
52 WP [On the southern wall of the Church
tower]" Within the palisades beneath are deposited the motal remains of Stephen
PIPER Esq/ native of Haverhill but late of Newmarket who died at the Manor House/ in this Parish April 7 1834/ aged 65 years/ What his character was/ will be best known at the Great Day/ Reader think what theirs may be"
53 AI A I/LM/0/CharlesJENNINGS/bomDecl3
1843/ At rest April 18 1914/ Until Ihe shadow for this earth is cast/ until He gather in His sheaves at last/ Good Night/ also Catharine JENNINGS/ died 18,h May 1952/ aged 78 years
TRUTH/ 3.7.1913 -24.10.2000/ Rector of this Paish 1869-76/"Jesus said: I am the
esurrection and the life" [*Two short vetical columns of Chinese characters]
55 A 1/ LMO/ a dear husband and father/ and
granddad/ Emest Jack William "(Jack)" TAYLOR/ 1909 - 2000 also/ his beloved
wife/ Winifred May TAYLOR/ (May)/1910-2000/ Reunited
56 A [Weathered]
57 A [Weathered] LMO/ John? CROW? age 60/ who
died June(or July) 17 1717? or 1757? [There could be more]
58 A5 AG [Stone Cross on three plinths] IMO/Cyil/
Edward WALKER/ youngest son of/ Edward George and Sarah Louise WALKER/ and most beloved grandson/ of Joseph and E. Percy/ bom Dec 22 1883/ left this life Dec 20 1907
9 A [Weathered]
60 AI A [Weathered] Sacred to the Memory of Catharine
wire or Willm JENNINGS/ who died May 12 1785?/ aged 27 years
61 A6A A+ Cherished memories/ of a beloved/ husband and
father/ Frank Enest POULTER/ at rest April 11"' 1959/ aged 53 years/ In God's
62 Phyllis Mary GIGGLEAlbcrt Charles/ GIGGLE
Separate Stone plate +ILMO/A wonderful couple/ Betty and Bet GIGGLE/ 1912 —
1999/Together forever
63 [Combined with and as No. 65]
64 Stone plate U Tony Froste/1928-1990/ Lovingly
65 A8 Stone plate ILMO/William Robert/BYATT/1911 -
1990/ Also/ Lydia Alexandia/ BYATT 1910-1998
66 Stone plate In Memory of Amelia Doreen BLOY/
31.12.33 - 7.6.95
67 EW George Richard/ BUCKLE/ died 22nd Jan 1998/
aged 77 years/ Stone plate - George Richard/ BUCKLE/ Dearly loved Husband/
Father and Grandfather/ 8* April 1920/ 22nd Jan 1999
68a A7 A ILMO/Henry Buckley/bom e* January 1912/
died 7th Novemberl982
68b IMO/ Edith COLE/ a dear Mother/ and Nan
69 A9 A Helen Christine/WARNER/1907-1988/
W1ZZ/ ILM/ From all her family
70 AW A ILMO/Christien Ann TAIT/a beloved wife
mother/ and daughter who died 23rd March 1978/ aged 37 years/ so sadly missed
71 All A Colin Rodney/ BLACK / 1926 - 1974/dearly
loved / husband and father
72 A12 A I/LMO/Edna Irene BUCKLEY/died 8th
January 1974/ aged 52 years
73 A13 A ILMO/Catherine ROGERS/beloved wife of
Rupet/ bom 30 April 1888 died 23 July 1973/ aged 85 years/ Forever with the Lord/ Rupert ROGERS/ reunited 14 June 1977/ aged 94 years
74 A14 A I/MO/William CHAMBERS/died April 23 rd
1885?/ aged 85 years/ also/ SUSAN his wife/ died September 23rd 18
75 A15 A [Weathered and largely unreadable]
76 A17 A ILMO/Thomas SHERMAN/passed peacefully
to rest/ April 9th 1973 aged 76 years/ Resting where no shadows fall/ Loved and
remembered by us all/ Also ILMO/ May SHERMAN/ who died peacefully/January 1 8th 1992 aged 95 years/ Together again - God bless you both
77 A18 A ILMO/EMILY A. WAKEFORD/died 27 Feb
78 A19 OB ILMO/Our dear parents/Kate FLITTON/died/
15 December 1972/ aged 84 years/ Hubert FLITTON / died/ 20 May 1973 aged 82
79 A20 A IMO/HubcrtC. DUKE 1889-1972 husband or
Frances/ loving rather or Ann and Richard
A21 Audrey & William FLETCHER
80 A22 A Roberta/ Wilhelmina/ Elizabeth JENNINGS/
died 31 si January 1972/ aged 61 years/ A beloved wife and mother/ Also a beloved husband/ and father/ Jack/ died 18th April 1985/ aged 70 years
81 A23 A ILMO/Janet Helen/CHURCH/1911-1972/
devoted and beloved/ wife and mother/ also her husband/ William Frank/ CHURCH/ 1903-1979/ Medical Missionary in Afica/ Doctor and Reader in this Paish/ With Chist/ for that's Tar better
82 A24 A I/LMO/Barry Raymond/PETERS/Called
suddenly to rest/ 8th January 1972/ aged 28 years
83 A25 A IL/MO/ Ida Winifred/ DICKERSON/ died 8
May 1971/ aged 80 / also her husband/ Victor Alexander/ DICKERSON/ died 18 February 1976/aged 88
84 A26 A ILMO/Fred JACKSON/died 6lh November
1983/ aged 71 years/ A dear husband father/ and grandfather/ sadly missed/ Treasured memories of Gladys Rosina/JACKSON/passed away 13 12 1994 RIP
Separate Urn stone - From friends
85 A27 A I/LMO/Henry James/RIGNALL/1907-1971/
and his wife/ Annie Lillian Eliza RIGNALL/ (Nee TYRELL) /1905-1978/ parents of Peter Henry Charles/ Sydney John/ Anthony James
86 A28 A IMO/Alice Sarah/SEAMAN/died 6 Jan 1971/
aged 80/ and her husband/ Sidney SEAMAN/ DIED 15 July 1972/ aged 78
A29 Isabella SMITH
87 A30 A Winired Mary/PLOMMER/1895 -1969
daughter of/ George and Harriette PULLIN/ of East Acton Middlesex/ widow
William Thomas/ PLOMMER/ or Dunkirk near Blean in Kent/ True to the kindred points/ or heaven and home
88 A 31 A I/LMO/Lillian Ethel LISTER Beloved Wife of
Benjamin James/ and dear mother of Mary/ who died 21s1 October 1969/ aged 60
years/ Rest in Peace/ Also/ Benjamin James LISTER/ who died 18 September 1993/ aged 85 years/ Reunited
89 A32 EW ILMO/Miss Ellen Mary MCKENZIE/aged 82
years/died 10* October 1969
90 A 33 OB Treasured memories/William Robert PEARL
1902-1969/ Eva JOAN PEARL/ 1905-1985
91 A37 EW ILM/Albert G. THOROUGH GOOD/1889?-
19??/ Edith THOROGOOD - Their memory brightens the lives of those who loved
A39 George & Nellie LEW1N
92 A40 A I/L/MO Herbet RUGGLES/ Called to rest/
Sept 26* 1968/ AGED 82 years
93 A41 A Sidney Charles/ DOCKERILL DCM MM/ bom
11 Jan 1887/ died 24 Nov 1967/ Gone but not forgotten/ Also of ADA MAUDE
beloved wife of above and/ mother of NORA and MAURICE/ bom 2nd June 1883/ Died 27 January 1977
94 U ILM/ William STEARN/ aged 78 years/ [on
reverse side] Ethel Getrude STEARN aged 7? years
95 A42 EW ILMO/Joseph William AUSTIN/Died 27th
June 1987/ age 86 years/ RIP/ and Eva May AUSTIN/ died 15th DECEMBER 1967/
age 69 years/ RIP
96 X2 A ILM/My Dear Husband/Robert Stanley/
ELLIS/ died 2nd December 1966/ age 70 years/ also Adelaide Mary ELLIS/ wife of the above bom 10th Septemberl899/ died 18th March 1987/ Sadly missed by all the family
97 X3 EW Annette Leslie FRIEND/Daughter of Paul and
Helen/ died s"1 June 1966/ aged 24 years/ ILM
98 -** A IL/MO/Joy Beryl/NORMAN/Died 8th April
1966/ Aged 29 years/ She is not dead but sleepeth/ Luke 8.52
99 X5 EW May Blakiston/ BAGNALL/ bom 1887 died
1966/ Hilda Mary Constance/ BAGNALL/ bom 1886 died 1980
100 A64 A ILMO/Susan/The beloved wife of Joseph E.
FORDHAM/ who died October 8th 1912/ aged 53 years/ Her end was peace/ Death is no more a fightful foe;/ since I with Christ shall reign, /with joy I leave this world of woe/ For me to die is gain
101 A63 A [Weathered stone] I/LMO Fanny/Beloved wife
of Grenville C AUSTIN/ and the beloved child and only daughter of/ Joseph & Susan FORDHAM/who died Sept 21 1912/aged 34 years/Death is no more a fightful foe/ since I with Christ shall reign/ With joy I leave this world of woe/ for me to die is gain
102 A38 A I/MO/Elizabeth BRAND/who passed away/
January 7th 1892/ aged 68 years/ The cup was bitter The pain severe/ to part with
those we love so dear/ of suffering great she did not complain/ but trust in heaven to
meet again
103 A63 A Sacred/to the Memory of/John/second son of
William and Emma WILLIAMS/bom Jan 20 1834/died Jan 31 1834/Also of John
third son of the above
105 A Jesus/ Mary BROWN bom 12 March 1867 died
29 July 1890/ and Elizabeth WARWICK/ wife of the late Thomas WARWICK/ who
died January 17 1864/ aged 74/ Also Mary Ann WARWICK/ who died October 25
1882/aged 83.
106 E [leaning on 105 any inscription not visible Dec
107 A35 FH Stephen and Susan ELLIS/IS* Sept. 1977
108 A 34 A 1/ MO/ Lucy COALES/ who died July 22 1896
/aged 77 years
109 A59 A 1/LMO/Bertram Edward/MOORE/died 22nd
Feb 1974/aged 70 years
1 10 A58 OB Sacred to the memory of Florance/ Louisa
HUTT/ A loving wife/ and mother/ who passed away/June 4lb 1974/ aged 83 years/
Athur/ Jack HUTT/ Who joined his/ beloved Wife/ on the 9th June 1978/ Aged 80
years/ Together always
1 12 A57 A 1/LMO/A dear husband and father/Charles
ANDREWS/ died 6th Aug 1974/ aged 78/ Also his wire/ Ellen Sarah ANDREWS/ died 29th March 1982 aged 84 years/ So sadly missed
113 A56 A 1/L/M/O/Julia MHAIGH/Daughter or
George & Katharine GILLINGHAM/ or this Parish/ bom 29th Aug 1882/ died 24th March 1975/RIP
1 14 A55 A William Hugh/PLOMMER/1922-1983/Doctor
orPhilosophy/ Fellow or Wolfson College/ Elder son/ or Winifred Mary &/ William Thomas PLOMMER/1 applied mine heart to know/ and to search and to seek out/ wisdom and the reason of things/ Ecclesiastes.
1 15 XII A Sacred TMO/Samuel BUTLER/who died Dec
26lh 1851 aged 52 years/ also of/ Mary his wife/ who died April 23,J 1867 aged 78
years/also of Charlotte Agnes ELBOURNE/grandchild of the above/aged one year 9 months.
116 A 54 A Treasured//Memories/of Mum/Sybil
TEVERSHAM/ died I3lh May 1975/ aged 47/ Dad/Neville TEVERSHAM/ died 4th Apil 1979/ aged 56/ Forever in our thoughts
117 A53 A ILMO/A beloved Husband and father/Henry
John DOCKERILL/ Died 22nd Sept 1975/ aged 65 years/ At Rest/ Also a dear wife/
and mother/ Olive May/ DOCKERILL/ died/ 3rd Nov 1978/ aged 68 years
1 18 A52 A Our son/Simon/Douglas/PERKINS/29th
August 1981/ 6th March 1983/ Treasured Memory/ So dearly loved/ So greatly
A51 Margaret TUCKETT
1 19 A50? A ILMO/Frederick GIFFORD/1892-1974/
Lillian Maud GIFFORD/1892- 1975/and/Audrey CLARK/1889 - 1977/Rest in Peace
120 A49a? A Treasured Memory of/my dear Husband/
George EASY/ Died 23rd June 1975/aged 75/ His wife/ Hilda Maria/ "Tillie'V died 1st July 1998/ aged 91/ Reunited
121 A49b A Peace /I I LI MO/ Violet Annie/ WESTLEY/
Who fell asleep/ October 2nd 1976/ aged 72/ So dearly loved/ so greatly mis
122 EW [No insciption apparent]
123 A44 A+ ILMO/ Patrick/ Anthony GOLDEN' Died M*
May 1978/ and or his sister/ Catharine/ Theresa/ GOLDEN/ Died 12lh OCTOBER
1985/Rest in Peace
124 A43 A I Live yet/not [igure or a human being]/but
Christ livcth in me/ Galations 2.20/ In memory of/ Joe/ Doctor John Edward
CHURCH/ 10th Aug 1899 - 29"1 Sept 1989/ and to Decima Mary CHURCH/ (nee TRACY)/His beloved wire/24th Sept 1904 - 30* March 1991/Jesus himself drew near/ and went with them/ Luke 24.15
125 A jbestia et verieas/ John BOLTON CB/ 1925-
1986/1 shall but love thee better ater death
125 A Stanley Gordon BRAMPTON/ bom 18* May
1922/ Died 22nd Nov 2001/ A Dearly Loved Husband, Father and Grandpa/ For many
years Verger of this Church/ Rest in Peace/ Night Passes, Day Cometh, Eternal Life
A46 Christopher FLETCHER
127 A89 A ILMO/ Redvers WARREN 1902/ - 1985/ Also
of Evelyn Janet WARREN/1900-1990/ Always in our thoughts
128 A88 (flat stone) SAM MARSH died 1987 aged 73 RIP
129 A87 A ILMO/FrederickArthurPETERSdiedI4lh
February 1985/ aged 73/ At Rest
130 A86 A ILMO Vera Muriel BIRD/who died on 5 June
1985 aged 79 years/ At rest/ Also her husband Herbert James BIRD/ who died on 10 January/ 1993/ aged years/ Remember them
131 A85 A ILM/O/Georgina Elizabeth/MARSH/1913-
1984/ Age 71 / Also her husband/ Horace William MARSH/ 1909 - 1998/ aged 88/ In
God's keeping
132 A84 A V LMO/ A dear husband/ father and granddad/
Stanley WAGSTAFFE/ died Sept 1984/ age 77 / Also a devoted wife/ mother and
nana/ Ena Kathleen died February 1990
133 A83 A Gertrude WILSON 189?-1984
134 A82 A Mary Ellen KEECH/1912-1984/Abiding
light/ Lovingly remembered by her husband/ children & grandchildren
135 A81 A In memory of Phyllis Irene MAS CALL/ died 6th
April 1984/ at Rest/ Also/ Dennis Arthur MASCALL/ died July 1995/ reunited
136 A80 A E(dward).W R. PETERSON 1896-1983
137 A ILMO/ MARY GWYNETH/ wife, mother and
grandmother/ died May 4* 1981/ aged 74/ and her beloved husband/ GEORGE
HENRY WILLOUGHBY/ died Apil 7*1995 aged 74/ Together again
A 79 Fred BAILEY
138 A 77 A+ IMO/ A dear husband father/ and grandfather/
Stanley Edwin NUNN/who passed away 19* April 1981/ aged 74/ beloved by all/ Also his dearly loved wife/ Vera Baldsmith NUNN/ who passed away 29lh Jan 1998/ aged 89/ A much treasured mother/ grandmother and great grandmother/ May they rest in peace together
A76 Bridget KENDON
139 A7S A Andrew John RILEY/ died 21s1 January 1980/
Age 44 years/ Treasured husband and devoted father
139 A74 A [Commonwealth War Grave] (Royal Fusilers
Badge) 63822 Private / W.A. HARVEY/ Royal Fusilers/ 28* October 1917/ Age 37
140 A72 A IMO/ Frances Mary HINDLEY/ bom 24*
August 1895/ died 24'" November 1979/ Cherished wife and mother/ and of Colin HINDLEY bom 6"' July 1901/died 19* January 1981/devoted husband and father/ Rest in Peace
141 A71 A Frank BAILEY/died 16* June 1979/ aged 42
years/ beloved husband of Christine and rather of Kathleen/ and Jessica
142 A70 EW Ethel Joan/CULLEY/bom 1902 died 1979
George Charles Henry/CULLEY/bom 1893 died 1982
144 X5a A Gertrude Eva DALE/1899 - 1989/With Joy
145 X9 A ILMO/ Athur NEEVE/ bom 15 Sept 1893/ died
2 Dec 1965/ and of his wi fe/ Doris Mary/ bom 2 AUG 1898/ died 23 July 1996/ Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty/
146 X8 A IMO/ Doris Annie HODGKINSON/ 15 October
1913 27* January 1992/ and her son/ David Roger HODGKINSON/ 29lh DECEMBER 1942 - 30,h December 1965
147 XI6 A In ever/ loving memory of Enest Robert/
BAILEY/ who died/ 18 August 1965/ aged 55 years/ At rest
148 XI7 EW Albet AMEY died Dec 21" 1954 aged 76 years
149 A18 A Anna CRUTCHLEY/1873-1964/Enid Mary
CRUTCHLEY/ 1911-1990/ Rest in peace
150 A19 A Mary Abbott MAGORIS/1898- 1964/
Margaret MAGORIS/ 1900 - 1982/ Rest in Peace
151 X10 A Rebbecca wife of Thomas BOWTELL who died
May 19 1892 aged 73
152 X22 A Sarah SAUNDERS formerly or Barton Mills
late ofMarylebon/bom August 12 1822/died August I 1892
153 XIO A I/L/MO/Ellen BOWTELL/who died March 20
1899/ aged 40 years/ Neither shall there be any more pain/ calm on the bosom of thy God/ fair spiit rest thee now/ while in thy footsteps trod/ his seal was on thy brow
154 X20 A+ Ici repose/Mady LA GESSE/Nee L'lLE
MAURICE/ le 31 Decembre 1907/ Decede a Londres/ le 9 Aout 1989
155 X20a A (Celtic Cross) IL/MO/ Gordon/ Cambell/
156 A+ Arthur James/CRUTCHLEY/ 1904- 1992
157 AT/ TMO/ Hetty MEDLOCK/ who after long and
patiently suffering/ died November 4.. /aged 40 [Bottom or stone eroded]
158 A ILMO/Owen Herbert WAGSTAFF/A dear
husband and father/ died 8* May 1995, aged 55 years/ Also/ Nigel Owen
WAGSTAFF/ a dear son and brother/ died 29* August 1997 aged 18 years/Too dearly loved/ to be forgotten/ Now at peace in God's garden. (Ums at side of Headslone) From Kerry with love (&) For Daddy love Ben
159 A92 A +ILM/0/A dear husband and father/Peter
Anthony/ MARSHALL/ 6.3 1928 - 5.7.1987/ RIP
160 X12 A +ILMO/Owen CAMBRIDGE/died Jan 13*
1914/ aged 74 years/ also Charlotte his wife/ died Dec 8th 1928/ Aged 76
161 A9I A ILMO/A loving wife and mother/Rosemary
Jean/ SEAMAN/ Died 23 October 1988/ aged 51
162 A unreadable weathered stone
163 A unreadable weathered stone
164 FS ELT1832
165 A R.I.P.
[On a Wooden Seat under the west side of the Church Tower]
Generally clockwise direction from North West corner of the Church Tower as far as the path that runs East/West.
166 X32 A/G ILMO/Sarah Charlotte/wife of John
WHITECHURCH/ died Feb 9 1907/ aged 69/Also Percy May WHITECHURCH/
died Aug 31 1934/ aged 66/ also or Michael WHITECHURCH/ wire or the above/
died March 7 1935/ aged 66
167 X29 A IMO/Edward ADAMS/died Jan 7 1892/aged
168 A93 A ILMO/Thomas George/ BUNN/ 1906 - 1987
169 X28 E Susan/The wife of James Brooks CLOSE/ bom
19 July 1857 died 19 Apil 1899
170 A94 A ILMO/Nigel Andrew/HURST/died 9 August
1974/ aged 1IIA dearly loved son & brother
171 X27 E IMO Margaret Mary BROOKS/the wire or John
Frederick EADEN/ bom at Naples Oct 21 1846/ died at Cambridge June 11 1877
172 X26 A ILMO/Mildred Mary HURST/died Dec 12
1963 aged 66/Albert Richard HURST/ died Jan 2 1969 aged 72/ (Two flower holders inscribed) Dad & Mum/ In thy presence in fullness ofjoy
173 X24 A RIP/Kathleen Alice/Oakshott/bom 27 April
1911/died 4 Aug 1964
X24a Unmarked grave ofRaymond Leggelt [On
Sunday 8 September 2002 John and Mary Haybittle told Colin Norman of the ".. unmarked grave, next to Kate Oakshou's, ofRichard Leggatt Art Adviser to Cambridgeshire County Council, who lived at Little Shelford. and died a week before Kale Oakshott. He had no known relations."]
174 X23 A ILMO/John Will iamWIS BEY/died Aug 17
1964/ aged 88/ also his sister/ Laura Alice/ WISBEY/ died Jan 19 1973 aged 84
175 X38 GS/V ILMO Leslie F. NUNN/1909 - 1962/ Beatrice
K. NUNN 1911 -1974
176 X39 A ILMO/ Albert BAILEY/ died Nov 8 1962/ aged
59/ RIP/ also his loving wife/ Mary/ passed peacefully away/ 7 April 1970 aged 66
In this area the Church plan shows several burials ofwhich there is no marker:
X33 Charles KING
X34 [Blank]
X36 Henry B BUTLER
177 X37 C [Side 1] LMO James Edward LAW MA. for 40
years Rector of this Parish/ died Oct 25 1892/ age 64
177 [Side 2] IMO Eleanor Blanche wife of James
Edmund LAW M.A./ Rector or this Parish died Apil 29"' 1886
178 A ILMO/Ann Harriett eldest/daughter or the late/
Rev Henry FINCH M.A./ Rector or Little Shelord/ bom April 16 1800/died Feb4
1889/Also of/the Rev Henry FINCH M.A./brother or the above/bom Sep 17 1812/
died Dec 28 1890/ and orElizabeth sister of/ the above/ bom Dec 31 1810/ died Oct
1 1 1893
179 A95 A Gordon/Brims Black Mclvor/SUTHERLAND/
Sc.D.F.R.S. Kl./bom Apil 8 1907/died June 27 1980
180 A96 A Remember/Francis Thomas/BACON FRCS/
1904 - 1992/ who developed the fuel/ cell which enabled/ the Appollo Missions to/ reach the moon/ God is our God Tor ever and ever/ and his devoted wie/ Barbara/ 1905 - 2000/ also their beloved son Francis 1937 - 1960
181 X30 A ILMO/Emma/wie or William PEVERETT/
died Nov 5 1862/ aged 44/ Also or Sarah his second wi e/ died Jan 26 1887/ aged 62/ "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord"
182 X3I A STTMO/William PEVERETT/died Dec 12
1901/ aged 75/ also Frances his wie/ died Dec 24 1901/aged 72/ "With Christ which is Tar belter"
183 C Robet Edgar HUGHES died Nov 6 1863 aged
184 A STTMO/ Martha EW. PHIPPS/ died (March
29) 1847 aged 25 FS MEWP 1847
185 A[rallen] S1TMO/ Elizabeth BRAZIER/ died 28
October 1828/ aged (91) daughter of H WALE Esq/ and Mary his wife/ also/ or Mary daughter of Elizabeth BRAZIER/ died July (185...)
186 A59 C [S ide 1 ] IMO William Filkes HAINES/ o f the
Manor House of this village/ died April 13 1861 age 72 [Side 2] IMO Euphemia widow of/ William Filkes HAINES/ died Jan 7 1864 aged 81
187 C IMO Lieut Colonel Robert Batchelor FICKLIN/
bom at Lammas in Norfolk Jan 24 1794/ died at Little Shelford April 4 1863
188 C IMO Caroline Matilda TWISS/August 21 1862/
aged 69
189 X62 A ILMO James GRANGER/ died Oct 29 1891 /
aged 51/ also Harriett his wife/ died May 20 1910 (aged ?) / "He giveth us beloved sleep"
190 A STTMO (badly eroded) Phoebe BERRY died
June 17 (1848) aged 72
191 A Mary Augusta JENKYN/ died March 7 1886/
aged 94/ also of/ Emma Martha TWISS/ sister of the above/ bom April 7 1806/ died
(April) 9 1899
192 X64 EC Will iam MANSFIELD died Oct 16(1864)
193 X55 E Arthur AUSTIN/bom Oct 15 1829 died Sept 28
194 X54 E ILMO Blanche AUSTIN/died 29 February
1885/ aged 23 "1 go to prepare a place for you"
195 X53 A STTMO/Thomas AUSTIN/ of this Parish/ died
Apil 3 1866/ aged 70/ "Watch therefore for ye know not the day nor the hour where in the Son of Man cometh"
196 X52 A STTMO/Mary the wife of/Thomas AUSTIN/
S econd daughter of the late/ Wm & Hannah CAMBRIDGE/ or Great Sheirord/ died [illegible]
197 X51 A STTMO/Emily the beloved wife/ of Stephen P
LOW/ of (Little Shelford) daughter of Thos & Mary Austin/ died (illegible)
198 X50 E Jackie/Younger child/of/Percy M
WHITECHURCH/bom June 17 1902/died Jan 23 1904
199 X41 E[small] Agnes
X40b Horatio HUDSON
200 X40a EW ILMO/Leanne HUDSON/died 6 May 1962
203 X42 A Mary Ellen S EARLE/ 18 84 - 1962/ Dorothy/
SEARLE/1887 - 1975/ daughter of Dr C.E. SEARLE D.D. of Cambridge
204 X43 A ILMO/Athur William TEVERSHAM/at rest
Nov 22 1961 aged 63/ also Sybil Margaret TEVERSHAM/ at rest 1 Feb 1983/ aged
205 X44 A ILMO/Harry ROBINSON MC./died 39 Oct
1961/ aged 68/ also his loving wife/ Mary/ passed peacefully away/16 Dec 1976/
aged 84
206 X45 A ILMO/Joan Winifred/LOCKHART/died Oct
23 1961/ aged 51/"Looking unto Jesus"X46 Jessie PURR
207 X47 FH Harry FREEMAN/1880-1960
208 X48 FH Emily Jane FREEMAN 1877-1961
209 X49 C [Side 1 ] STTMO/ Francis WESTLEY/ died June
1894/ aged 73/ "In the midst oflie we are in death" [Side 2] Also of Kezie/ widow of Francis WESTLEY/ died Oct 20 1909 aged 89/ "He giveth us beloved sleep"
210 X94 C [Side I] IMO Frances/wife of William
WALTON/ of the Manor House in Little Shelford/ died 28 March 1898/ "Blessed are the pure in heart/ for they shall see God" [Side 2] IMO/ William WALTON/ of the Manor House Little Shelford/ bom 16 Sept 1813/ died 9 June 1901 / "Thou hast made him most blessed for ever"
211 X68 A ILMO Robert Wilkin HOWARD/1892-1959/
Daisy HOWARD/ 1894 - 1970
212 A ILMO/ Our Mother & Father/ reunited/ Bertram
MILLER 15.4.1905 - 25.12.1959/ Rosamund Alice MILLER/ 25.10.1905 - 8.8.1996
X66 Sarah & William BRADMAN
213 X65 A IELMO/Harry William NUNN/died Sept 7
1960/aged 88/also our dear Mother/Annie Louisa NUNN/died March 15 1961/
aged 78
214 X90 A ILMO/Alred SHARPE/died June 25 1959/
aged 57/ also/Nellie Doris SHARPE/ died Nov 21" 1971/ aged 71
X91 Albert ACKER
215 EW Iris Isobel WILLIS/ died Dec 14 1953/ With the
216 X92 A Treasured memories of/ Mary MARSH/ a
devoted wie and mother/ died Aug 23 1959/ aged 86/ also John MORTON (possibly
the Christian name - Surname MARSH according to Church plan)/ son or Mary/ a
beloved husband and ather/ "Reunited" March 16 1972
217 X98 EW Athur William POOLEY/ bom April 2 1892/
died June 8 1958 (also Florence7)
X92 Florne AUSTIN
218 X93 EW Remember/ Francis Richard BACON/ died 1960
aged 22
219 X99 FH [Side 1 ] ILMO Side 2 Betha/ Anne/ LARK1N/
died 16.4.59 [Side 2] Henry/Vivian/LARKIN/died 16.4.90 aged 89
X99a Cecilia POOLEY
220 X69 C STTMO/Mary Caroline WALTON/or the
Manor House in this Parish/ bom 13 Aug 1855/ died 21 March 1917/ "The best or sisters. The truest of fiends/ on whose soul may God have mercy!
221 XIOI A William GALL/died March 21 1891 aged 72/
also Jane Sadler GALL (beloved wife of above)/ died March 24 1903/ aged 84
[Rev Sibson was the Vicar when Colin Norman married Joy DALE at All Saints on 6 June 1958.]
222 X95 EC ILMO/The Rev Henry LATHAM M.A../
Master or Trinity Hall/ to which College and University/ he was a large benefactor/ died June 5 1902/age 81'
223 X70 E Here sleeps in Christ Mary Frances MORISON/
bom Nov 20 1828/ died Feb 14 1907
224 X71 E IELMO/George WEBB/died Nov 18 1908/
also Emma his wife/died Nov 8 1919/ a beloved mother/ "God grant them thine etenal rest"
225 X96 A ILMO/William DARE/of Little Shelford/died
July 22 1895/ aged 76/ also of Eliza DARE/wife or Ihe above/ died April 7 1900/ aged 80/ "Thou shalt take thy rest in saety"
226 XI02 A ILMO/ George DAWSON/ died Dec 9 1884/
aged 81/ also Bridget DAWSON/ his beloved wie died May 27 1891/ aged 81
FS G.D. 1884 B.D. 1891 "Therefore be ye also ready"
227 X103 EC Emily/Morton SWATMAN/died March 13
1896/ aged 65/ "Peace perect Peace"
228 X72 (Base or missing cross) Howard Stanley
THOMPSON/ Lieut Colonel R.M.L.l. [e Royal Marine Light Inantry] died Aug 9*
229 X73 Efallen] IMO/Edward Enest PYNE/Lieut
Colonel R.M.L.l./bom March 28 1848 died Aug 9* 1904
XI06 Arthur & Helen DUNN
230 XI04 E IMO/ John DUNN/ died April 4 1895/ aged 71/
also/ Mary Elizabeth DUNN/ died March 28 1904/ aged 72
231 XI05 E R.I.P./Charlotte Maiden BOWEN/died May 5
1911/aged 75
232 XI35? E ILMO/Arthur J EVERETT/died March 21
233 XI07 A STrMO/James LESTER/ died April 14 1870/
aged 66/ Also of Mary his wife/ died April 17 1876/ aged 75
234 XI08 A ILMO/ John LESTER/ died Sep 24 1880/ aged
43/ Also of his three infant children/ Also of/ Susan LESTER/wife of the above/ who fell asleep in Jesus/ Sept 26 1920/ aged 78/ "Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord from hencefoth: Yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them"
235 X103 A ILMO/ John EVERETT/ died March 21 1835/
aged 80/ He was Parish Clerk of this village for 40 years/ "Altho' thou canst no longer stay/ To cheer us with thy love/ We hope to meet with thee again/ In your bright
world above
236 X? A IMO/WilliamSLATER/dicdOctI6 1867/
aged 50
237 XI12 A I LMO/ Georgina COVILL/ died Dec 13 1913/
aged 60/ Also or Amos/ beloved husband of the above/ died May 25 1935/ aged 78
237a XI13 A [fallen] IMO/ Jennie daughter of J M CARTER/
died Jan 15 1877/ aged 8 years & 4 months
238 XI14 A ILRO/ Harold PRYKE/ son of Charles & Eliza
PRYKE (of Little Shelford) died April 28 1853 aged 12/ "We have missed him Oh how sadly/ We have missed him none can tell/ We have lost him heaven hath gained him/ Christ he doelh all things well"
238a XI18 A [leaning against wall] TTMO/Henry GAYLOR
died 15 Nov 1868/aged 51
239 XI17 EC TTBMO Mary Augusta GRAY died Sept 21
1870 aged 75
239a G ILMO/Edwin Trevor Septimus CARR Priest
Fellow orSt Catherine's College Cambridge 1862/"Jesu Mercy"/ Rector orthis
Parish 1893 Aged 90 At Rest July 18 1929
240 X> ?' A ILMO/ Judy MATTHEWMAN/ bom 18 Feb
1939/died 17 June 1932
241 A?" John ALTH AM/ died25Septl992/ aged 79
242 A [War Graves Commission Grave] Major/ V.H.
DeB. POWELL M.C./ Canadian Field Atillery/ died 21"1 Jan 1918 age31/"Now we see/ through a glass darkly/ but then face to face" I.Cor.XIlI.12
242 X87b A Group Captain/ John Barrett ALTHAM C.B.E./
1909 - 2000/ Devoted husband of Elizabeth Oona/ "And think that here a loving couple lies"
242a X??? E Mildred/ wife of Colonel WOOD/ daughter of
Colonel WALE/died March 12 1928
243 X85 GS Robet Desmond/POWELL/died 29.4.65/
Dorothy May POWELL/ died 9.1.80
244 X85 GS Norah/died 16.12.75/Child of Harcourl
(Henrietta according to Church plan)/ and Cecil POWELL
245 X85 GS Dolly/died 26.8.64/wife orBlennie POWELL
246 X85 A IMO/Cecil Henietta POWELL/ 1854 -1929/
Fanny Lucretia WALE/1851 - 1936/ Dorothy May POWELL/ (wife of Blennie
POWELL)/1891 -/ 1964/ Robert Desmond POWELL/1892 - 1965/ Nora Cecil Wale
POWELL/ 1888 - 1975/ Dorothy May POWELL/ / (wife or Robert
POWELL)/ 1896 - 1980/ Edward Blenner Hasselt Selwyn POWELL (Blennie) 1897
- 1984/"Who lie here"/ "Requiescant in Pace"
247 X74 E/G TTBMO/William Thomas ARNOLD/grandson
of Thomas Anold of Rugby/ Sep 18 1852 - May 29 1904/ and Henrietta his wie/ daughter of Charles Brent WALE/ Oct 4 1852 - March 6 1923
248 X78 A Isabel!/ 1850 - 1941/ and/Jack EADEN/ 1850 -
1921/She was a granddaughter of General WALE
249 X79 EW John Frederick EADEN/Sept 28 1921
250 X76 GS Fanny Anna WALE/ died/ March 6/ aged 12/
1869/ Robert G WALE/April 17 1892/aged 72
251 X80 Alagainst Church wall] IMO/The Revd Henry
FINCH/ 43 years Rector of this Parish/ son of William Finch FINCH Esq/ and Betty his wife/ He died June 23 1849/ aged 66/ also of Louisa and Catherine daughters/ of the Revd Henry FINCH & Ann his wife/ Louisa died Jan 7 1826/ aged 4/ Catherine died Oct 15 1832/ aged 13/ Ann FINCH/ died Dec 30 1870/ aged 84
252 X80 A ILMO Isabella Martha/daughter or Gen. Sir
Charles WALE K.C.B./and wie orSherlock WILLIS M.D. born 1810 died 1893/ and of her daughter and four of her/ seven sons buied in this Church yard/ Isabella Margaret wife of I.E. EADEN bom 1847 died 1941/John ARMINE M.A. Barrister at Law bom 185 9 died 1916/ Cecil Sherlock WALE Commdr. R.N. bom 1843 died 1898/ Reginald Charles BRUCE bom 1848 died 1935/ Robet HENRY A.M.I.C.E. bom 1852 died 1929
253 X80 WT Sacred to the much loved Memory of/
Margaretta Phillipina WALE/ died 18 March 1844 aged 91 whose ashes repose near
this spot selected by herself/ his tablet is placed in grateful rememberance by her
254 X80 A [Against Church wall] TTMO/ Edward George/
second son of Charles and Henrietta WALE/ or this Parish/ died Sept 25 1855/ aged
11 days/ "He shall gather the lambs with his/ arm and carry them in his bosom"
Tablets on the North Wall outside the Church
255 WT Henietta WALE/3"1 Wie of/Sir Charles
WALE K.C.B/. died Nov 27 1853/ aged 67
256 WT Isabella WALE/ 2nd wife of Gen Sir Charles
WALE K.C.B./ Died and was buried in Barbadoes/ Feb 27 1810 aged 32
257 WT General/ Sir Charles WALE K.C.B. bom March
20 (1841)/died June 1881
258 WT Louisa WALE/?1" wife orSirChs WALE
K.C.B./ died (1806)
259 WT Mrs Louisa Rodolphina WALE/died July 5
260 WT Thomas WALE/ died August 3 1796/
261 WT [Indecipherable]
262 WT Gregory WALE/ died Oct 1794/ age 34
B17 Eliza RIDER
B30 Arthur and Georgina RIDER
269 B29 A ILMO/John Austin WISBEY/passed away
Augt 18* 1927 aged 82/ Alice WISBEY/ wie of the above/ passed away May 7'1'
1944 aged 90/ also of their daughter/ Florence Jane WISBEY passed away Sept 4*
1941 aged 63/At Rest
B25 George A MOORE
B27 Jessie WATSON
B28 [ ]
270 B24 E/G I/LM/0/William Henry MOLLER/died July
19* 1924/aged 59
271 B21a A ILMO/Our son/Peter TOOKE/stillborn/24
Sept 1983
272 B21b A ILMO My beloved husband/Robet William
RA YMENT/ died Nov 9 1946/ aged 72/ also of his wife/ Jane RA YMENT/ died Dec
29 1964/aged 89/"Reunited"
BI9 Stephen and Ethel CRACKNELL
273 B20 EC Edward Anthony BECK M.A./ Master of 1 inity
Hall 1902- 1916/bom March 21 1848/died April 12 1916/ also orEmily Mary/ wife
or the above/bom Sep 14 1852/died Nov 24 1940
274 B35 EW Ethel Mary BRIGHTSMITH/bom 1860
died 1949
275 B36 EW Vandeleur BRIGHTSMITH August 1863?
February 1948?
276 B37 EW(metal plate) ILMO/Sophia Jane HASSALL/
November 1" 1857/November 29,h 1039
277 B22 A 1/LMO/Louise PURKIS/The beloved wie of
Richard PURKIS/ who died Nov 8* 1934/ aged 81 years/ also of Richard PURKIS/
who passed away Dec 22°d 1935/ aged 80 years/"Let me to thy bosom fly"
278 B23 A ILMO/ Louisa/ The beloved wie of Herbet
CARLTON/ who died Jan 7* 1930/ aged 48 years
B38 James and Rebbecca CRA CKNELL
B39 Sarah and A lexander FREEMAN
B42 Susan HARRIS
B43 'Nobody'
279 B44 EW FrederickL... BAGNALL/ /Nov 19??
280 B47 EG Oryour charity/ pray for the soul of William
Owen MAGORIS/ MRCS LRCP/ who died January 14* 19392?/ aged 71 years/ also his wi e/ Margret? Brown MAGORIS/ who died December 4* 1942/ aged 81 years
281 B48 EG In most Loving memory or Richard John
MARSH/ M.V.O./ bom Dec 31" 1850/ died May 20,h 1933/ also Grace his beloved
wie/ bom Oct 15* 1879/died Jan 19* 1957
282 B49 EG Father in Thy gracious keeping/ leave we now
thy servant sleeping/ Edward ELBOURNE/ who ell asleep Nov 16* 1935/ aged 69
years/ also Annie his beloved wie/ who passed to her rest Oct 28* 1958
B50 Ruth MEAD
283 B51 EG ILMO/William Elijah RIVETT/who passed
away Jan 5* 1937/ aged 73 years/ also of Elizabeth Ann beloved wife of the above/
who passed away July 13* 1938/ aged 72 years
B52 Walter and Caroline Austin DA VEY
B53 Joshua DARE
B54 William FREEMAN
284 B55 EW (metal label) George PETTIT/died May 20*
1937/aged 74 years
285 B56 EW (metal label) Betha PETTIT/beloved wie or
George PETTIT/died February 12* 1936 aged 73 years
286 B57 Gfsunken] IELMO/Mary Ann ORRIS who died
April 8* 1935 aged 64 years/..... also or Walter ORRIS who died Dec 4* 1945 aged
75 years
287 B87/88 EW I/L/MO/Matha MARSH/died April 23 1937
aged 56 years/ Seek yc irst the Kingdom or God. FB/FH March ... MARSH died 1937 aged 54
288 B89 EW ILMO/William Fred MARSH/died Nov 8*
195 7 aged 83 years/ "The labourer's task is o' er'7 Also his/ grand daughter/ Jane
NORR1S (nee PEARMAN bom 13.6.1952/died 23.4.98/Always in our/thoughts
RIP FS/EH RIP Fred MARSH died..... 1987/and his daughter/June MARSH died
1973? RIP
077 Ben and Peter P UMFREY
289 B78 G/FH ILMO Gilbert Frederic PUMFREY died January
14* 1939 aged 63 years/ Sweet is the ragrance or rememberance
290 B7I EW ILMO/ Violet Elizabeth H? MORLEY/ bom...0/
died ...4
B70 Alice OLIVER
B72 William RIDER
B73 Ann Davies (RIDER)
B76 Emily PEARL
291 B69 G ILMO/Joseph John WALKER/died 4 Sept
1946/ aged 71 years/ his devoted wie Emma/ died 13 Oct 1964/ aged 81 years/ their
beloved son/ Eic Edward WALKER/ died 24 March 1942/ aged 30 years/ their
beloved daughter Joyce Muriel ARBER/ died 9 March 1992
292 B E [Overgrown by rose bush]
293 B64 E Pysche SHEFFIELD
294 B62/63 A In memorium/ Reginald WILLIS/ son or
Sherlock WILLIS and Isabella WALE/ 1848 - 1935/ Adelaide/ daughter of Captain Frederick WALE/and Adelaide PROST/ 1851 - 1944/buried at Ballater/their
children/Major Frederick WALE WILLIS RA. 1882 - 1963/ Cynthia 1890- 1940/ Isabel 1885- 1953 Doris 1887 - 1970/Florella 1883 - 1977/wife of George
SHEFFIELD/ Recquiescant in Pace
B82 Fionella ALTHAM
B83 Isobella WILLIS
B84 Ernest SPARKES
295 B85 A G ILMO/ James ANDREWS/ bom May 18* 1869/
died February 10* 1945/ also/ his beloved wie/ Mary/ died June 20* 1957/ aged 86
B86 Kathleen MOULTON
296 B EW Reuben /died Aged 82? Years
B88 Herbert C Contance STEARN
297 B89 EW IMO/(Alfred) William MARCH/died May 24
1944/aged 62
298 B91 AG 1/LMO/King William FLETCHER/departed
this lie January 30* 1943/aged 79 years/ Come unto me yea weary and I will give
you rest/ Also Alice Elizabeth FLETCHER/ died October 22nd 1945/ aged 78 years/
Rest in Peace
299 B92 G ILMO/Dora Ellen BAILEY who died 26*
September aged 25 years/ In the midst of life we are in death/ Also of Sarah BAILEY
who died 13 January 1958 aged 81 years
B100 Ernest SMITH
299a B99 A ILMO Frederick John/HOLDER/died Sep (4)
1931/Aged (62)
B98 Agnes HOLDER
B96/97 Thomas and Ellen PLUMB
B95 George LACY
B94 HagarLACEY
B93 Edward DARE
300a B117 A/G 1/LMO/Our dear sons and brother/Cyril
Reginald TAYLOR/ died February I 1925/ aged 18 years/ "Be thou faithtil unto
death/ and 1 will give you a crown of life"/ William Frederic TAYLOR/ Killed in
Action May 2 1915/ at Zillebeck, Yprcs, France/ aged 18 years" Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his lie for his fiends
300b B1I6 G ILMO/Sarah TAYLOR/bom April 12* /
Smith TAYLOR/died April 27* 1962 WIN died Apil 8* 1939 Aged 69
301 Bl 14 G ILMO/ Edward MOORE died 14* March 1939
age 75 years/ also Sarah MOORE died March 21s4 1947 aged 83 years
302 B113 A/G [War Graves Commission Stone - Irish Guards
Badge] 2723861 Guardsman/ D.R. POOLEY/ Irish Guards 18* May 1945 age 22/
Derek dearly loved son of Cecilia Mary/ and Arthur William POOLFY
BI12 Ernest SMITH
B110 Herbert STEARN
303 BI09 EW Ellen WEDD(or WEBB7)' bom August 8 1873/
died Jan 29 1953
B107 John GILL
BI06 Fanny GILL
304 BIOS EW Thomas John/HOCKLIFf-H/died Jan 20* 1963/
aged 91 years/ ILM Thomas John HOCKLIFFE/ died Jan 4* 2000/ aged 94 years
305 BI04 EW Anne Jane HOCKLIFFE/ died Mar 5* 1954/
aged 81 years/ ILM Edith HOCKLIFFE/ died Feb 18* 1962/ aged 64 years
306 B103 A/G Judith Ann/ SHAKESPEAR/ Dear daughter of
Sir Geofry/ and Lady SHAKESPEAR/ bom May 9* 1937/ died Oct 31" 1949/ In thy presence is the fullness of Joy
307 B102 A/E To the beloved memory/ or John Duncan
METIERS/ bom Sept 1893/ died March 1947/ also beloved wie/ Miriam Blanche ME1TERS/ later HUNTER' bom 10 April 1893/ diedl 9 June 1987/ [On a slab] In
affectionate rememberance/ Herbet HUNTER DSc/ bom Stockton on Tees/ 6 Dec 1882/ died 21 Feb 195 9/ and Rose HUNTER bom Kansas City US A/10 Set 1884/ died 2 Aug 1945
308 BIO! EW William Garrett ECCLESTONE/18* August
1859-9* Aug 1945/Ann Ellen ECCLESTONE/21" Sept 1870-4* Nov 1954
309 BUS A I/LMO/Betram Maurice/GOODWIN/died 9*
Feb 1956/ aged 68/ also his wife/ Gladys Elsie/ GOODWIN/ Reunited 6* July 1983/
aged 93/ Thy will be done
BI09 Sydney ROGERS
B120 Leslie MARSHALL
310 BI20/121 A+ ILMO/Hannah Maria EASY/died Oct 15*
1955 aged 86/ also George her dear husband/ died Feb 29* 1960 aged 93/ and
Reginald/ their beloved son/ died Dec I" 1970 aged 75/ Alice Maud MARSHALL/
died Dec 11* 1993 aged 95
B122 Charles H MARSHALL
B123 Eli: Rose and Fred C CAME
B124 Cecilia Charlotte CLARK
311 B125 G/FH ILMO/Devoted husband and father/Henry
DARLOW died 29* July 1953 aged 56 years/ In God's keeping [More on south side
needs uncovering]
B126 [Blank]
312 B127 A 1/LM/O Malcolm Arthur ELBOURNE/who
fell asleep Jan 10 1953/aged 54 years/also/Nellie/his wie/who died on/ October
12* 1993/aged 94
B128 AfredMOORE
313 B129 A I/LMO/Basil BIRD/died 13* July 1949/aged
66 years/ and or his wie/ Elizabeth BIRD/ died 29* May 1967/ aged 84 years/ RIP
314 BI31 A [Kneeling angel] Peter NUNN/Called by the
Angels/ 5* June 1947/ aged 5A years/ Greatly loved
315 B132 OB/G Vera LEWIN [Charles & Fanny LEWIN rest in
the area]
316 B133&B134G ILMO/Sarah Ann JENNINGS died Dec 20
1922 Aged 63/ Also John JENNINGS died Feb 9 1929 Aged 76/ Also Francis John
POOLEY died Feb 10 1929 Aged 39/ Also Elizabeth Ann POOLEY died May 21
1929 Aged 76
B1S0 Beatrice BUTLER
317a B151 G [Overgrown - could be William BUTLER &
317b B152 G IELMO/Emma Elizabeth the dearly beloved
wife of Charles Philip BUTLER who passed away peacefully Aug 28* 1922 aged 76/ also of Charles Philip BUTLER bom June T 1849 died Aug 21l 1930/ "Death
divides but memory clings"
318 BI49 A ILM/ 0/ My dear husband/ Barry ROBINSON/
who passed away/ March 22nd 1934/ aged 65 years/ also Edith Emma/ wie of the above/ who passed away May 16* 1939/ aged 62 years
319 BI48 A In ever loving memory of my beloved husband/
Albet James GIGGLE/ who passed away at Stornoway/ Oct 4* 1936/ aged 54 years/ also our dear mother/ Annie/ wife of the above/ died died Dec 13th 1962/aged 85 years
320 B147 A In tender memory of our only beloved daughter/
Freda Margaret WALKER/ who died June 9* 1936/ aged 21 years/ Waiting in
Paradise/ Harold Percy WALKER/ who died June 28* 1942/ aged 64 years/ also his
loving wife/ Daisy WALKER/ who died June 20* 1984/ aged 87 years
321 B144/145 A I/LM/0/Frederick George DAVEY/died 30*
August 1949/aged 58 years/Mary Lily Elizabeth DAVEY/ir March 1973 aged 77
B146 ?Fred AUSTIN
BI43 Florence BULLETT
B142 Edgar BULLETT
B14I Jennie MARSH
B137 Connie and Joseph C HITT
B138 Ellen Acker
B139 DavieJR Acker
322 BI40 GV Abide with me/ Treasured memory of a devoted
husband Nathan Charles HACKER who died Oct 14* 1954 aged 59? Years/ Also
Florence Bertha HACKER who died June 19*? 1968 aged 76 years
323a B136 GV ILMO/Annie HUDSON/who passed away on
4* May 1947 [was overgrown - needed spade work]
323b' V+ [???]
3 24 BI35 I/LMO/ Our dear mother/ Ethel Catharine /
BEEBE/ died 17 March 1958 aged 68 years/ and of our dear father/ Samuel BEEBE/
died 17 July 1959/ aged 68 years
325a B153 G ILMO/A devoted husband and father/
Benjamine Covill DOCKERILL died Feb 6* 1956 aged 74 years/ loved and/
remembered always/ also Florence DOCKERILL who died 4th Jan 1976 aged 87
325b BI54 G [Overgrown] IClara and Mary DOCKERILL
326a B155 AG l/ELMO/ Joseph Edward FORDHAM/ BORN
Sept 28* 1859/ died Feb 4* 1945/ Now my labours have an end/ may I thy joys now
see/ Also his loving wife/ Violet Grace/ bom Aug 4* 1886/ died Oct 14*? 1978/
Reunited [&U]
326b B156 G ILMO/ Martha Ann ROGERS who passed away
December 13* 1947
B158 Adeie TOPHAM
B159 Henry BA YON
327 B161 OB Cherished/Memories of a/dear husband/and
father/ Alfred NORMAN/ who entered/ into rest/ February 7* 1949/ aged 74 years/ At
rest/ Also cherished memories of Florence/ Jennelte/ beloved wife of Alfred
NORMAN/ died March 12* 1951/ aged 76 years/ In Paradise
328 B162 A I/LMO/ Our dear parents/ Annie GODFREY/
died May 27* 1948/ aged 68 years/ aged 68 years/ also/Albert George/ GODFREY/
died February 27* 1959/ aged 83 years
Bl 63 James and Mary' Ann DICKERSON
329 BI64 A Loving memory of Edward PEARL died
February 23 1946 aged 57/ Zillah PEARL died January 25 1958 aged 71
330 BI66 OB 1/LM/0/Albet Edward/TABNER/who died
August 16* 1933/ aged 61 years/ The love of God/ passeth all/ understanding
331 B167 A ILMO/ Emily Maud ELLUM/ who died Dec 1°
1930 aged 51 years/ Not just today but every day we remember
332 G ILMO/ Our dear Father and Mother/ William
ELLUM who died Feb 3 rd 1921 aged 65 years/ With Christ which is far belter/ and his
beloved wife Ellen who died April 26* 1922 aged 67 years
333 B183 A To the dear memory / of George Frederick
Garfield GILL? June ...1870?... Apil 19... /Edward..... /Mar...
BI82 [blank]
B181 Eliza HALL
BI80 Fred and Esther GR1STWOOD
B179 Pharoh ACKER
B176 RamardANDREWS
B175 John and Kath GARNER
B174 [blank]
B173 Bernard CLAY
B172 B171 B170 B169
334 B200a A l/L/MO Charles John/WESTLEY/Who fell
asleep/ March 9m 1954/ aged 65/ so dearly loved/ So greatly missed
335 B214 1/E I/L/M/O Beris/The beloved eldest child of F
WARD and Cen? BUR'I'ON FANNING/ who entered into etenal life/ October 21
1916/ while nursing/ at the/ First/ Eastern/ General/ Hospital/ Cambridge/ Member of VAD64/ Norwich.
336 B213 G In loving remembrance of Henry LARKIN who
passed away Novr 9* 1918/ Peace Perfect Peace/ Also of CHARLOITE his wife who died March 26* 1951
337 B212 E/C on 3xplinth 1/LM/0 my beloved husband/
James THOMPSON/ died 7* February 1919/ In the midst of life we are in death/ Also of Margaret Brack Russell/ THOMPSON/ died June 4* 1930(or 6)/ aged 73 years
338 B211 A I/LM/O Francis LITCFIFIELD/who died 31"
July 1919/ aged 54 years/ also his wife/ Elizabeth LITCHFIELD/ who died 4* Dec 1952/ aged 84 years
339 B194 G ILMO Math TOWNSEND died Nov 3 1924
aged 71 years/ Forever with the Lord/ Thomas TOWNSEND March 13 1947/ aged
88? Years
340 B193 EW ILMO/Reuben GOAT/died March 2nd 1985/
aged 68 years/ God is love
BI92 Elizabeth GOAT
341 B210 A 1/ MO/ Lois Ann/ The dearly loved wife of
Charles LOFTS/ who died Apil 20 1920/ in her 79* year/Just gone from us a little
while/ our loved one in God's keeping/ Charles LOFTS/ bom February 8 1841/
passed on August 17 1933
342 B209 A I/L/MO William ROGERS/died Nov 14*
1921/ agedvb76 years/ Content to live, yet not afraid to die/ Also of/ Mary Ann
ROGERS/ beloved wife of the above/ died Feb 17* 1937/ aged 90 years/ "Until the
day break/ and the shadows lee away"
B208 George and Stanley HARRIS
B207 Mary Ann JA CKSON
B206 George JACKSON
B204 Elija HONES
B203 Charlotte WILKINSON
343 B190 A I/LMO/William MEADOWS/who died April
15* 1931/ aged 82 years/ "Until the day break"/ Also of Sarah Jane/ wie of the above who died March 8* 1936 aged 87 years/ Also Enest MEADOWS younger son of the above/ killed on active service in France April 1917
344 B189 G ILMO/ Arthur MEADOWS who died Sept 17
1954 Aged 66/ and Bertha MEADOWS who died Dec 31 I960 Aged 73
345a G ILMO John GREEN died Sep 19 1937 Age 76/
Also of his wife Kate Emma died July 18 1937 Age 77
345 E IL/MO The CLAY/family/Charles Felix/
1861 - 1947/Ethel Rose/1867- 1931/ Anne Carola// 1906- 1978
346 B189 A 2xPlinth 1/ LM/ O Bamar Augustine CLAY/ bom
Dec 3,J 1886 died Oct 4* 1939/ Rest in Peace
347 B157 A +IMO/Arthur f-rederick/MASCALL/17™
August 1934/ also Victoria May MASCALL/ died 27* February 1950/ Reunited (+ on um)
348 ??» GS Sacred to the memory of Thomas William
WATSON/of Neilsland. Hamilton/ Scotland/ bom 31" October 1864/ died 23,d
March 1935/ and of Lucy his wife/ bom 1" July 1867/ died July 2nd 1947
349 B188 A ILMO/ Walter DOCKERILL and Mary Ann
who died May 26* 1921 / aged 68 years/ Also of Fred Rayner DOCKERILL/ the
beloved son of the above/ who died September 17* 1928' aged 33 years/ Rest in the
B201 Harriett BARBER
350 B202 EW Albet A. CARTER/died/14*Nov 1918
1980s Extension
351 CIA EW Arthur Kennedy DORMAN
352 C1B A Percy George/WALKER/1962-1985/Our love
always/ Mum and Dad
353 C2 A LM/Alistair George/Henry SAMUEL/died
March 4* 1987/ aged 65/ Also his wie/ Dora Mabel/ died March 30* 1992 aged 90
354 C3 A IMO/Anthony George John/BAILEY/Father
of Claire and Suzanne/ 1945 - 1987 (and Um ILM)
355 C.4 A IM/Cyril Alred/LOCK BROWN/24* January
1904/16* January 1989/ A devoted and loving husband
356 C6 A IMO/Claice NEWSAM/beloved mother and
grandmother/ died 29* December 1989/ aged 78 years/ Ernest NEWSAM/ beloved ather and grandather/ died 4* February 1984/ aged 87 years
357 C7 EW 10* February 1936/ Gerald J MARSH/ 23rd May
358 C8 A I/LMO/Grace GOODWIN/1916-1992/God
has you in His keeping/ We have you in our heats
359 C9 A I/LMO/Jack CROSSAN/1930- 1993/
Beloved husband and ather/ Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,/ and all the rocks melt in the sun!/ And I will luv thee still, my dear,/ While the sands o' life shall run
360 CIO A I/LMO/Catherine Mary ROUCH/A dear wie
and mother/ who died 2nd November 1993/ aged 76 years/Rcquiescat In Pace/And her husband Leslie David ROUCH/ dearest ather/ who died 12* October 1995/ aged 81 years/ In Paradisum/ Dedcante Te Angeli
361 C15 A ILMO/A dear husband/and father/Christopher
Ian Burton/ COX/ bom 26-5-1934/ died 18-7-1996
362 C14 A 1/ U MO/ Wayne J LANGLEY/ died/ 7.3* June
1996/ aged 17/ A dear son and brother/ So dearly loved/ So greatly missed
363 C13 A [Regimental Badge of the Royal Green Jackets]
ILMO/ Dereck Hugh/ MORRIS/ died 11* December 1994/aged 79/ Reunited with his loving wife Doris
364 C12 A Cherished memories/ofa dear/husband, ather/
and grandather/ Gordon Sawood NOTTAGE/who passed away/ 2nd December 1994 aged 62/ "Loving and kind in all his ways, upright and just to the end of his days/ Sincere and true in heart and mind. A beautiful memory left behind"
365 C1I A Josephine PEARL also Mick PEARL/29* April
1918/16* March 2002/ "Dearly loved/ Greatly missed"
366 C21 A Janet Winifred PLOMMER/ 193 0 - 1999 "I
heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest"
367 A 1/LMO/+ A much loved husband/Bertram
James 'Mick'/ MARSH/ 1916 -1988/ Love forever
368 A I/LMO Edward Charles FULLER 1911-1998
369 A Gladys HATTER/17-9- 1924/2-4- 1997/
"In God's keeping now/ In our hearts always/ The Lord is my shepherd"
370 A 1/ LMO/ Mark James/ TA YLOR/ bom 29* April
1968/ Died 2nd November 2001/ aged 33/ Always in our thoughts
371 C23 A ILMO/Ian Peler SMITH/17* January 1967/
31s1 October 2000/ "Out of the strong came forth sweetness" FS For my friend Big Ian/ Rob/ Historic Route 66
Little Shelford All Saints Church Mis inside the Church
Chancel -South Side
372 Stone wall tablet to Richard MANNING, Rector died April 23 1709 aged 63. Also Susanna MANNING died December 1680( Latin inscription transcribed by Alan Bull winkle)
In memory ofSusanna the beloved
Wfe ofRichard MANNING
Rector of this Church
Died (alasprematurely) December
15 1680 in her 23n'year
In memory ofRichard MANNING
Rector of this Church
Who lies near by
Died April 23 1719 in his 63rd year
373 Memorial Brass lo John Cate, Rector, died 1445
Chancel - North Side
374 De Frevillc stone efigy with inscription in Old French over the tomb
(Transciption on last page) Inscription over de Frevile tomb, (Old French transcribed by Alan Bullwinkle)
"Here lies Sir John de Frrvile
Who was Lord of this lownYou who pass here
By your charity prayfor his soul"
Nave North side
Brass Plate
375 This seat and side chapel belong to the Lords of this Manor heretofore the De FREV1LLES Esq - afterwards John BANKES Esq, deceased, and now Priscilla
BANKS his widow in whom for her time the said Lordship is, at whose charge this inscribed plate was ixed here for testimony A.D. MDCXXI
376 War Memorial 1914-1918
John ANDREWS Gloucestershire Rgt
Arthur AUSTIN Canadians
Richard CARTER Northants Rgt
Charles CRAKNELL Seafoth Highlanders
Walter DARCY Suffolk Rgt
Frederick DRIVER Cambridgeshire Rgt
John GOODWIN Royal Navy
Jesse GODFRY Suffolk Rgt
William HARVEY Royal Fussileers Ernest MEADOWS Suffolk Hussars
Frederick PEARL Suffolk Rgt
Sidney PEARL Suffolk Rgt
William TAYLOR Kings Own Lanes Rgt
377 War Memorial 1939-1945
Dora Ellen BAILEY N.A.A.F.I.
Victor George FROSTE 141 Rgt R.AC. Mostyn William OLIVER F/O R.A.F
Percy John NEAVES R.A.M.C. Derek Arthur POOLEY Iish Guards
Stone Tablet
378 In happy memory of John PARES WILSON M.C. 1897-1957 of the Manor House, Church Warden 1954-1957. "My soul hath longed for thy salvation and I have a good hope because of your word."
379 To the glory of God this window was dedicated and in pious memory of our honoured parents Alex Malcolm WALE B.D. of this parish late Fellow of St Johns College Cam. and for 53 years vicar of Sunninghill Berks b May 12 1797 d May 26 1884 and Barbara Mary Caroline WALE b Oct 30 1800 d Aug 23 1867. They rest together in Sunninghill Churchyard. "Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away".
Flat Oval stone tablet
380 Arthur AUSTIN elder son of Thomas, the eldest son of Daniel AUSTIN of this place who was the eldest son of William AUSTIN of Great Shelford. He was a Churchwarden of this Church for over thity years. Died 1907 aged 78. He married Harriet (daughter of Thomas ROBINSON of Over.) She died Apil 1914 aged 73.
"Honour thy father and mother that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord
My God giveth thee "
North side of Nave
The Pulpit
[Removal and Restoration in December 1951. A shot history of the pulpit is set out on a detachable wooden plaque together with the following inscription]
381 "In loving memory of Isa EADEN; William Garrett ECCLESTONE; Annie HUDSON; Psyche SHEFFIELD; Kate Mary SQUIRES; Percy John SQUIRES; Fanny WALE.
Wooden Memorial Tablet behind the pulpit
382 They ofered themselves willingly among the people and came to the help of the Lord against the mighty" Judges Chap 5 v 9."
To the Glory of God and in Memory of Major H.V. de B. POWELL M.C. bom
January 23 1886. Educated at Highgate School and Keble College Oxford where he received an Honours degree. At the outbreak of the War in 1914 he was Second
Master at Appleby School Oakville Canada. He was commissioned in the Canadian Field Atillery and promoted Captain at the front in 1916. He fought at Ypres and at the Battle of the Somme; he was wounded and received the Military Cross for
conspicuous gallantry in action. In September 1917 he returned to France as Major of the 3 rd Battery C.F.A. 13* Brigade. He was wounded in October and recommended
for further honours having saved many lives by extinguishing a fire in a gun pit. On December 7th 1917 he was again severely wounded by an explosion and was sent to England where he died on January 2nd 1918 from the effects of shell shock and
multiple wounds. He was buried in this churchyard on January 6 1918. He was a soldier of earless and upright character and of charming personality; appreciated by all who knew him, he was called by his men "our beloved Major".
Small brasses on the high back of a family new
383 Fanny Lucretia WALE, eldest daughter of Col. R.G. WALE died 1936 aged
384 LLMO Cecie Henrietta POWELL, third daughter or Col. R.G. WALE, the widow or Rev. Harcourt POWELL d January 3 1929 aged 74.
384a Fanny Anne WALE, only child of Sir Edward WEST, Chief Justice of Bombay, wie of Robert Gregory WALE J.P., D.L., she died 1869 aged 42.
385 Robert Gregory WALE J.P., D.L., of Little Shelford late Captain «rd (Duke of Wellington's) Regt and Hon Col 4* Bait Sufolk Regt d April 17 1892 Aged 72
386 ILMO Nora Ceci 1 WALE POWELL daughter of Cecil Henrietta POWELL
died December 16 1975 aged 87.
387 Robert Ffolkes POWELL Captain 4* Bait Suffolk Regt died September 1894
aged 31.
388 Frederica WALE youngest daughter of Col RG. WALE died 1918 aged 59.
night Superintendent of the American Kaglc Hut Canteen, London.
389 Mildred WOOD, wie or Cot. T WOOD, daughter or Col. R.G. WALE died
1928 aged 76.
Wood Plaque
390 To the dear memory of the five daughters of General Sir Charles WALE
Isabel Martha wife of Sherlock WILLIS Henrietta Bridget wife of Martin FFOLKES Louisa Fanny wife of Rev de la TOUCHE Augusta Caroline wife of Richard DILL M.D.
Cecil Marianne wife of Rev C. LA URENCE
Wood Plaque
391 In memory of Lt. Col. Sherlock George Ramsay WILLIS D.S.O., R.A. Churchwarden 1937-1952, died March l" 1953 aged 75
Marble Plaque
392 ILMO Ernest Edward MEADOWS L/Cpl 1/4 Suffolk Rgt late of the Suffolk Yeomanry. Killed in action near Arras April 23 1917 aged 25. Dearly loved younger Son of W & J MEADOWS of Rectory Farm in this parish
Stone Plaque (high up on the wall and a small window)
393 To the glory of God and in affectionate remembrance of Henry John WALE M.A., late Rector of Folks woth Hunts died March 14th 1892 aged 64. The window above is erected by his widow.
Marble Plaque with flags, elephant & sword
394 Captain Frederick WALE, 6* son of Gen. Sir Charles WALE K.C.B., killed before Lucknow March 1858 aged 35. His remains are laid in the Moosah Hagh of that City. He served as Adjutant of the 48* Bengal Native Infantry throughout the Sutledge Campaign of 1846 where he was severely wounded. He next served as
Brigade Major at Peshwar and during the Mutiny in India he was appointed to raise and command the Is' Sikh Irregular Cavalry with which he proceeded to Lucknow and there fell at the head of his regiment whilst in pursuit of the enemy.
He let a widow and two daughters by whom this tablet is raised in his memory.
Also to the beloved memory or Adelaide WALE his widow who died at Ealing March 11 1914 and was buried at Kingston-on-Thames aged 83.
395 ILMO Minna Caroline, daughter or Captain and Mrs F. WALE and widow or
Col. R.G SWAYNE MARSHALL R.A died Sept 4* 1929 aged 76. Buried at Milford-on-Sea Hants.
396 (Appended) Reginald Charles Bruce WILLIS, son or Sherlock WILLIS, died Jan 21" 1931 at Ealing and his wife Adelaide Henrietta (WALE) died at Ballater June 27*1944.
Marble Tablet
397 Sacred to the Memory of Mary PEMBERTON, youngest daughter of the late Thomas WALE Esq and relict of the Rev Thomas PEMBERTON, Rector of
Taughboyne Ireland, died MDCCCXXX aged LXX1V.
398 Sacred to the Memory of Thomas WALE Esq Woth like this man's scons the aid of Flattery. A kind and affectionate Husband & Father. A irm Fiend of
unbounded hospitality & benevolence with a heat alive to the call of Distress and in which there is no guile. Amiable, Pleasant, Courteous. No man's enemy, no man his. Summoned hence July 29* 1796 aged 95 years. In humble hope of experiencing that mercy in ihe next world which he never failed to show in this. He had two daughters Margaretta and Mary & one son Charles by whom this monument was erected at once the Tribute of their afection and the Memorial of their loss. Also to the memory of Louisa Rudolphina, wife of Ihe said Thomas WALE who died June 26* 1776 aged 52 years and Gregory their eldest son who died Oct 7* 1794 aged 34 years. The remains of the above Persons lie interred in ihe Family Vault near the churchyard on the S side.
Marble Tablet matching that lo her sister Mary PEMBERTON
399 Margaretta Phillippina WALE, eldest daughter of ihe late Thomas WALE
died 1841 aged 91.
Onamented marble cartouche - very high up.
400 Here lyeth Gregory WALE Esq who died June 1739 aged 70. He was the eldest son of Thomas WALE of Little Bardingield in Essex. The said Gregory let issue by Margaret SPARK his first wife Thomas WALE, Merchant, and Margaret the wife of Mr Alan HURRELL and by Elizabeth HITCH his second wie Hitch WALE.
Large Marble Tablet
401 Sacred to Ihe memory or Gen Sir Charles WALE K.C.B. Col H.M. 35 Regl of Foot born Aug 1765 d March 1845 aged 81 years. He was the youngest son of
Thomas WALE Esq of this Parish. He entered the army in 1799 and served at the siege and bombardment of Gibraltar by the French and Spanish in 1781 -82-83 and subsequently in Holland, Ireland and India. As Brigadier General in the West Indies in Feb 1810. at the head of his Brigade the Roy al York Rangers, he carried in person the almost inaccessible ramparts of Mantuaba for which service in which he was seriously wounded he received a medal and was made Governor or Martinique till the year
1817 when for his services during the War he was made Kt. Commander of the Bath.
True to the device and motto of his ancestors he displayed in Bold relief the courage and energy of a soldier grounded in the humility and thankfulness of a Christian whose only shield and hope is Salvation by the cross.
Sir Charles WALE was thrice married Firstly to Louisa daughter of the Rev Castet
SHERARD by whom he had issue 5 children, Thomas Sherard who died unmarried at Surinam 1821; Charles and Philip Newton and Louisa who died in infancy and
Alexander Malcolm Vicar of Sunninghill Berks, who in 1835 married Caroline
ANDRIGNETTI and had issue 4 daughters. The said Louisa died at Shelford 1806.
Secondly in 1808 to Isabella daughter of the Rev Geo. JOHNSON B.D. pretend of Lincoln and had issue Isabella Martha married in 1834 to Sherlock WILLIS Esq. The above named Isabella died at Barbados 1810.
Thirdly in 1815 Henrielta daughter and coheiress of the Rev Thos. BRENT by whom he had 6 sons Cha. Brent born1817, Robert Gregory 1820, George Henry and
Frederick twins born at Geneva 1822 Arthur 1823 and Henry John 1827 and 4
402 Brass To the dear memory or Charles Brent WA1 ,E, son of the late
General Charles WALE K.C.B., died at Montreux, Switzerland May 9 1869 aged 46. Also of his eldest son Charles Richard Whately WALE died at Florence Italy April 5 1879 aged 25. "The memory of the just is blessed
403 To the beloved memory of Rev Frederick Edward Bennet WALE M.A.
Vicar of Holy Trinity Shrewsbury, younger son of Charles Brent WALE of Little Shelford bom at Montreux July 3 1908 leaving one son.
404 In Memoriam Sherlock WILLIS Esq died May 23 1873 aged 78 buried
at Swindon Gloucestershire.
Marble Tablet
405 In loving memory of the grandsons and great grandsons of Gen WALE
who gave their lives for their country in the Great War.
Richard Marcus Gordon DILL C.A. Aged 56
Edward Arnold Frederick ALLEN R.Fus Aged 22
Lionel Raymond Whately ALLEN S.Wales Bord. Aged 22
Richard William JENNINGS Wore R.Aged 27
Richard Frederick MOORE Rif. Bng.Aged 29
Vemon Harcout de BITTS POWELL C.F.A. Aged 32
Hugh Duberly WILLIS RA.M.C. Aged 36 Sherlock Aniyas WILLIS Middx R. Aged 24
North Nave Window
406 To the glory oF God and in loving memory of Rev A.J. WALE. Erected by his widow and children. Also in memory of Arthur Campbell WALE brother of the above died May 30* 1892 aged 67.
407 Loving memory of Fanny Anna WALE wife of Robert Gregory WALE died March 8* 1869. This window painted by her daughters 1876. Inscribed on the
window are the following names-
Louisa first wife of Charles WALE 1806 Thomas Commissioner of Surinam 1881
Margaretta 1841
Henrietta wife of Martin FOLKES 1886
Isabella wife of Charles WALE 1858 Mary wfe of Thomas PEMBERTON 1880
General Sir Charles WALE 1845 Henrietta wfe of Charles WALE 1858
Blanche wife of George WALE I860 Caroline wfe of Malcolm 1867
Anna wife of Robert Gregory WALE 1869 Frederick 1" Sikh Irregular Cavalry 1858
Charles I8607
George Canadian R.A. 1870
De Freville Chapel - West Wall Stone Plaques
408 Beneath this place are deposited the mortal remains of Elizabeth INGLE of Sible Hedingham in the County of Essex who departed this lie June 23rd
409 To the memory o r S arah TODD (relict or R. P. TODD Esq) of Sturmer Hall in Ihe County of Essex who died MDCCCXXIV aged 57
410 William INGLE Esq who died 1767 aged 50. He was an affectionate husband, a tender parent and a benevolent friend in memory of whom his widow has erected this monument.
Also Sarah INGLE his daughter died March 5 1765 aged 4
Also Elizabeth INGLE his wife died November 4 1813 aged 86 years
411 In memory or William Finch FINCH Esq., eldest son of William INGLE who diedMarch31 1826 aged 69 years. Also of Betty his wife who died November 27 1845 aged 87 years. Also of Samuel John FINCH M.A. Trinity College, their son, who died November 30* 1826 aged 39.
412 To the memory or a lamented husband the Revd Samuel INGLE Rector of this parish who died October 13* 1794 aged 33. This monument was erected by his
affectionate widow.
Other sections on the Little Shelford history website