All Saints Church, Little Shelford graveyard map
In 2001, a map of the All Saints Church graveyard was drawn up by Alan Bullwinkle. An almost complete list of who was buried in the graveyard at that time, and a map showing where you will find their grave is included on the page below.
Work is currently being carried out to update the map, as it is not believed to be100% accurate.


A to C
Acker, A X91
Acker, D R B139
Acker, E B138
Acker, P B179
Adams, E 167
Adams, E 26
Agnes, 199
Allen, R S ?
Allen, R S X155
Altham, E 0 242
Altham, F B82
Altham, J 241
Altham, J B 242
Amey, A 148
Andrews, C 112
Andrews, E S 112
Andrews, J 295
Andrews, M 295
Andrews, R B176
Arber, J M 291
Arnold, H 247
Arnold, W T 247
Ashton, P 21
Aftersly, E B205
Austin, A 193
Austin, B 194
Austin, E K 36
Austin, E M 95
Austin, F 101
Austin, F B146
Austin, F X92
Austin, H 40
Austin, J W 95
Austin, M 196
Austin, P 39
Austin, S 37
Austin, S 41
Austin, T 195
Austin, T 38
Bacon, B 180
Bacon, F R 180
Bacon, F R 218
Bacon, F T 180
Bagnall, F B46
Bagnall, F L 279
Bagnall, H B45
Bagnall, H M C 99
Bagnall, M B 99
Bailey, A 176
Bailey, A G J 354
Bailey, D E 299
Bailey, E R 147
Bailey, F 141
Bailey, F A79
Bailey, M 176
Bailey, S 299
Barber, H B201
Bayon, H B159
Beck, E A 273 .
Beck, E M 273
Beebe, A 324
Beebe, E C 324
Berry, P 190
Bird E 313
Bird, B 313
Bird, H J 130
Bird, V M 130
Black, C R 71
Bloy, A D 66
Bodger, A R 4
Badger, S 4
Bolton, J 126
Bowen, C M 231
Boyden, E 153
Bowtell, R 151
Bradman, M B26
Bradman, S X66
Bradman, W X66
Brampton, S 0 125
Brand, E 102
Brand, E 8
Brand, J 8
Brand, M A 9
Brand, S 8
Brazier, E 185
Brazier, G A M 47
Brazier, M 185
Brazier, R 47
Brightsmith, E M 274
Brightsmith, V 275
Brooks, E 35
Brooks, M M 171
Brown, M 105
Buckle, 0 R 67
Buckle, M F 263a
Buckle, W F 263a
Buckley, E 1 72
Buckley, H 68a
Bullett, E B142
Bullett, F B143
Bunn, T G 168
Butler, B B150
Butler, C 317a
Butler, C P 317b
Butler, E E 317b
Butler, H D X36
Butler, M 115
Butler, S 115
Butler, W 317a,
Byatt, L A 65
Byatt, W R 65
Cambridge, C 160
Cambridge, 0 160
Cameron, G C 155
Carlton, L 278
Carr, E T S 239a
Carter, A B177
Carter, A A 350
Carter, .1 237a
Chambers, - 75
Chambers, S 74
Chambers, W 74
Chatters, A B165
Chatters, L J B74
Chatters, M B75
Chift, C B137
Chitt, J B137
Church, D M 124
Church, .1 E 124
Church, J H 81
Church, W F 81
Clark, A 119
Clark, C C 13124
Clark, J B108
Clay, A C 345
Clay, B A 346
Clay, B173
Clay, C F 345
Clay, C J 27
Clay, E J 27
Clay, E R 345
Close, S 169
Coales, L 108
Cole, E 68b
Covill, A 237
Covill, 0 237
Cox C I B 361
Cracknell, C B19
Cracknell, E
Cracknell, E X1
Cracknell, I A36
Cracknell, J B38
Cracknell, R B38
Cracknell, S B19
Crossan, J 359
Crow, J 57
Cruickshank, D X35
Crutchley, A 149
Crutchley, A J 156
C to H
Crutchley,EM 149
Culley,EJ 142
Culley, GCH 142
Dale,GE 144
Dare,E 225
Dare, E B93
Dare, J B53
Dare, W 225
Darley,C B9
Darley, G BIO
Darlow,H 311
Davey, C A B52
Davey, F G 321
Davey, MLE 321
Davey, W B52
Dawson, B 226
Dawson, G 226
Day, A 265
Dickerson, IW 83
Dickerson, J B115
Dickerson, J B163
Dickerson, M A B163
Dickerson, V A 83
Dockerill, AM 93
Dockerill, BC 325a
Dockeill,C 325b
Dockerill,F 325a
Dockerill, F R 349
Dockerill, HJ 117
Dockerill, HJ 117
Dockerill, M 325b
Dockerill, O M 117
Dockerill, O M 117
Dockerill, S C 93
Dockerill, W 349
Dorman,AK 351
Douglas Perkins, F seat
Douglas Perkins, S "
Duke,HC 79
Dunn, A XI06
Dunn, H XI06
Dunn,J 230
Dunn,ME 230
Eaden, I 248
Eaden, IM 252
Eaden, J 248
Eaden, JF 249
Easy,G 120
Easy,HM 120
Ecclestone, E E 308
Ecclestone, W G 308
Elbourne, A 282
Elbourne,C 47
Elbourne, C A 115
Elbourne, E 282
Elbourne, J M 47
Elbourne, MA 312
Elbourne, N 312
Ellis, AM 96
Ellis, RS 96
Ellis, S 107
Ellis, S 107
Ellum, E 332
Ellum, EM 331
Ellum, W 332
Everett, A J 232
Everett, J 235
Ficklin, RB 187
Finch, A 251
Finch, AH 178
Finch, C 251
Finch, E 178
Finch, H 178
Finch, H 251
Finch, L 251
Fletcher, A
Fletcher, A & W A21
Fletcher, A E 298
Fletcher, C A46
Fletcher, K W 298
Fletcher, W
Flitton,H 78
Flitton, K 78
Fordham,JE 326a
Fordham, S 100
Fordham, V G 326a
Freeman, A B39
Freeman, EJ 208
Freeman, H 207
Freeman, S B39
Freeman, W B54
Friend, A L 97
Froste, T 64
Fukller,EC 368
Gall, C B6
Gall, E B
Gall, J S 221
Gall, R 268
Gall,W 221
Game, ER B123
Game,FC B123
Garner, J B175
Garner, K B175
Gaylor, H 238a
Gee, A 12
Gee,C 14
Gee, MA 15
Giford, F 119
Giford, LM 119
Giggle, AJ 319 |
Giggle, B 62 '
Giggle, A 319
Giggle,AC 62
Giggle, B 62
Giggle, P M 62
Gill,E 333
Gill,F B106
Gill, G F G 333
Gill,J B107
Gillingham, E J 33
Gillingham,G 33
Gillingham, G 33
Gillingham, K 33
Glascock,A B160
Goat,E B192
Godfrey, A 328
Godfrey, A A45
Godfrey, A G 328
Golden, CT 123
Golden, PA 123
Goodwin, G 358
Goodwin, JE B14
Granger, H 189
Granger, J 189
Gray, M A 239
Green, J 345a
Green, KE 345a
Gristwood,E B180
Gristwood, F B180
Hacker, A B178
Hacker, NC 322
Hague, E 54
Haigh,JM 113
Haines, E 186
Haines,W F 186
Hall, E B181
Harris, A B42
Harris, G B208
Harris, S B208
Harvey, W A 139&A74
Hassall, S J 276
Hatter, G 369
Hbacker,FB 322
Hill, M A B3
Hindley,C 140
Hindley,FM 140
Hockliffe, A J 305
Hockliffe,E 305
Hockliffe, TJ 304
H to O
Hockliffe, T J 304
Hodginson, D A 146
Hodginson, D R 146
Holder, A B98
Holder, FJ 299a
Hones, E B204
Horton, S 32
Howard, 25
Howard, A 19
Howard, A 22
Howard, A 28
Howard, A 29
Howard, C 17
Howard, D 211
Howard, E 29
Howard, G 18
Howard, H 20
Howard, H 30
Howard, J 17
Howard, J 23
Howard, RW 211
Hudson, A 323a
Hudson, H X40b
Hudson, L 200
Hughes, RE 182
Hunter,MB 307
Hurst, A R 172
Hurst, MM 172
Hurst, N A 170
Hutchinson, M 13
Hutt,AJ 110
Hutt,FL 110
Jackson, F 84
Jackson, G B206
Jackson, GR 84
Jackson, M A B207
Jenkyn,MA 191
Jennings, -48
Jennings, C 53
Jennings, C 53
Jennings, C 60
Jennings, H B15
Jennings, J 316
Jennings, J 80
Jennings,RWE 80
Jennings, S B15 Robinson, E B16
Jennings, S A 316
Jennings, W 48
Keates, M A78
Keech,ME 134
Kendon, B A76
King, C X33
King, J 3
Kirkham,E B130
Lacey, H B94
Lacy, G B95
Lagesse, M 154
Langley, W J 362
Larkin, B A 219
Larkin, C 336
Larkin, H 336
Larkin, HB 219
Larmuth, R A B40
Latham, H 222
Law,EB 177
Law,JE 177
Leggatt, R X24a
Legget, R X24a
Lester, J 233
Lester, J 234
Lester, M 233
Lester, S 234
Lewin, G
Lewin,G&N A39
Lewin, N
Lewin, V 315
Lister, BJ 88
Lister, LE 88
Litchield,E 338
Litchield,F 338
Lock Brown, C A 355
Lockhart, J W 206
Lots, C 341
Lots, L A 341
Long, P J 51
Lorraine, E B34
Magoris, M 150
Magoris, MA 150
Magoris, MB 280
Magoris,WO 280
Mansfield, W 192
March, A W 297
March, M 128
Marsh, 287
Marsh, B J 367
Marsh, G 281
Marsh, G>J 357
Marsh, J 288
Marsh, J B141
Marsh, JM 216
Marsh, M 216
Marsh, M 287
Marsh, RJ 281
Marsh, WF 288
Marshall, C H B122
Marshall, PA 159
Martin, E B87
Martin, J B87
Mascal LAF 341
Mascal, LDA 135
Mascal, FJ B157
Mascal, LPI 135
Mascall, V M 347
Matthewman, J 240
Matthews B184
McKenzie,EM 89
Mead, R B50
Meadows, A 344
Meadows, B 344
Meadows, E 343
Meadows, S J 343
Meadows, W 343
Medlock,H 157
Metters,JD 307
Miller, B 212
Miller, R A 212
Mitchell, T 2
Moller,WH 270
Moore, A B128
Moore, BE 109
Moore, E 301
Moore, G A B25
Moore, S 301
Morison,MF 223
Morley,VEH 290
Morris, DH 363
Moulton, K B86
Mowlam, B201A
Neeve, A 145
Neeve, DM 145
Newsam, C 356
Newsam, E 356
Norman, A 327
Norman, F J 327
Norman, JB 98
Norris, J 288
Nottage,GS 364
Nunn,AL 213
Nunn,BK 175
Nunn, H W 213
Nunn,LF 175
Nunn,P 314
Nunn,SE 138
Nunn,VV 138
Oakshott,KA 173
Oliver, A B70
Oris, M A 286
Orris, W 286
P to W
Payne, J B18
Pearl, E 329
Pearl, E B76
Pearl, EJ 90
Pearl, J 365
Pearl, M 365
Pearl, W R 90
Pearl, Z 329
Perkins, SD 118
Peters, B R 82
Peters, FA 129
Peterson, EWR 136
Pettit,B 285
Pettit, G 284
Peverett, E 181
Peverett,F 182
Peverett, S 181
Peverett, W 182
Phipps,MEW 184
Piper, S 52
Plomer, J W 366
Plommer,WH 114
Plommer,WM 87
Plow,E 197
Plumb B185
Plumb, E B97
Plumb, T B96
Pooley,AW 217
Pooley, C X99a
Pooley, D R 302
Pooley, E A 316
Pooley, F 217
Pooley, FJ 316
PouIter,FE 61
Powell, C H 246
Powell, D 245
Powell, D M 243
Powell, D M 246
Powell, D M 246
Powell,EBS 246
Powell, N 244
Powell,NCW 246
Powell, RD 243
Powell, RD 246
Powell, VHdeB 242
Pryke, H 238
Pumrey, B B77
Pumrey, G F 289
Pumrey, P B77
Purkis, L 277
Purkis, R 277
Purr, J 206
Pyne, E E 229
Rayment, J 272
Rayment, R W 272
Reuben?? 296
Riches, E 6
Riches, J 5
Riches, J 6
Rider, A B30
Rider, AD B73
Rider, E B17
Rider, G B30
Rider, W B72
Rignall ALE 85
RignalLHJ 85
Riley, AJ 139&A75
Rivett, E A 283
Rivett,WE 283
Robinson, B 318
Robinson, EE 318
Robinson, H 205
Robinson, M 205
Rogers, MA342
Rogers, C 73
Rogers,MA 326b
Rogers, R 73
Rogers, W 342
Rouch,CM 360
Rouch,LD 360
Ruggles,H 92
Samuel, AGH 353
Samuel, D M 353
Saunders, S 152
Seaman, A S 86
Seaman, RJ 161
Seaman, S 86
Searle, D 203
Searle, M E 203
Shakespeare, J A 306
Sharpe,A 214
Sharpe,ND 214
Sheield, F 294
Sheield, P 293
Sherman, M 76
Sherman, T 76
Sibson, E H X102
Sibson, M XI02
Slater, W 236
Smith Bill
Smith A W 46
Smith, E B100
Smith, E B112
Smith, I
Smith, I A29
Smith,IP 371
Smith, M T B41
Sparkes, E B54
Spratt, E B5
Squires, P J 263b
Stallon,PS 10
Staples, 143
Stead, GB XI1
Steam, C B88
Steam, E G 94
Steam, H B110
Steam, H B88
Steam, W 94
Sutherland, GBN 179
Swatman, E M 227
Tabner,AE 330
Tait,CA 70
Taylor, C R 300a
Taylor, E
Taylor, E J W 55
Taylor, M J 370
Taylor, S 300b
Taylor, WF 300a
Taylor, WM 55
Teversham, AW 204
Teversham, N 116
Teversham, S 116
Teversham, S M 204
Thompson, HS 228
Thompson, J 337
Thompson, MBR 337
Thorogood, AG 91
Thorogood, E 91
Tooke, P 271
Topham, A B158
Townsend, M 339
Townsend,T 339 Goat, R
Tuckett, M A51
Twiss,CM 188
Twiss, EM 191
Wagstaf, NO 158
Wagstaf, OH 158
Wagstaffe,EK 132
Wagstaffe,S 132
Wakeford,A 267
Wakeford,EA 77
Wale, C 257
Wale, E G 254
Wale, FA 250
Wale, F L 246
Wale, G 262
Wale, H 255
Wale, I 256
W to Z
Wale, L 258
Wale, L R 259
Wale, M P 252
Wale,RG 250
Wale,T 260
Walker,AMJ 50
Walker, C E 58
Walker, D 320
Walker, E 291
Walker, E E 291
Walker, FM 320
Walker,HP 3209
Walker, J J 291
Walker, JW 50
Walker, P G 352
Walton, F 210
Walton, MC 220
Walton, W 210
Ward,B 335
Warner, HC 69
Warren, EJ 127
Warren, R 127
Warwick, E 105
Warwick, MA 105
Watson, C 266
Watson, J B27
Watson, L 348
Watson, S 266
Watson, T W 348
Webb, G 224
Wedd,E 303
Westley, C. J 334
Westley, F 209
Westley, K 209
Westley, V A 121
Whitechurch, J 198
Whitechurch, M 166
Whitechurch, P M 166
Whitechurch, S C 166
Wigmore, Gil
Wilkinson, C B203
Williams, J 103
Willings, A 2
Willis, C S W 252
Willis, II 215
Willis, A 294
Willis, C 294
Willis, D 294
Willis, F W 294
Willis, I 294
Willis, I B83
Willis, IM 252
Willis, J A 252
Willis, R 294
Willis, RCB 252
Willis, RH 252
Willoughby, G H 137
Willoughby, M G 137
Wilson, G 133
Winson, M B90
Wisbey,A 269
Wisbey, F J 269
Wisbey,JA 269
Wisbey, JW 174
Wisbey, LA 174
Withers, J 104
Wood, M 242a
Wood,M 7
Wright, C B13
Other sections on the Little Shelford history website